Privacy Policy

GerDentUSA Inc. keeps the sensitive information of its online visitors completely secure. Only we have access to the data we collect from you. We aim not only to comply with international privacy laws but to build trust with our customers. Our Policy Declaration ensures our all visitors that all their collected personal information will be secured. We do not share, store, transfer, or sell sensitive information or any intellectual property ideas related to customized dental surgical instruments of customers through any medium.

Collected Information & Our Uses

Protecting your personal information and keeping it private is our priority and responsibility. We keep your personal information protected and safe through our secure servers.

GerDentUSA follows the industry’s standard protocols to secure your private information. Collected information is used solely for newsletters, sales updates, promotions, and any other news that might be beneficial to visitors. You can unsubscribe or email us at any time to discontinue these services. 

Your credit card information has outside access. By using our credit card processing service, we process your card manually. We verify your information and make transactions against your name, billing address, and CVV number with the concerned bank with the due diligence expected of us to prevent any fraudulent transactions. Protecting your private information is our foremost concern. 


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